Thursday, June 15, 2017

AVON New representative Training

The key to starting your new business is to learn everything that you can about it, set goals, make plans and then work towards achieving them. Sounds easy, doesn't it? No???

Too much, too soon! Scary, to think you have to know everything just so that you can get started with your business. You don't! 

AVON is a learn-as-you-go-along business. We will help you every step of the way, whether I am your immediate team leader or your AVON-grandmother, or great-grandmother even, I'm here to support you in whatever ways I can. Added to which there is training online, in short, easy-to-follow webinars in the AVON University, local rallies, online and/or local meetings, AVON web-tv on youtube and a team group on Facebook.

From the beginning, we will guide you in approaching learning the basics of your business and starting to work it, as you learn. My goal, and my team leaders' goals, are to help you be successful. We will invest time and support into you, if you'll invest yourself!

If you've not yet joined AVON, I can help you by walking you through the sign up process, and then detailing exactly how to set up your online store (what we call e-rep or our e-store) so that your customers can shop from you, even if they are on the other side of the country!

Once started, I'll want to begin to get to know you, and what you want AVON to do for you, in your life. The more I know, the more I can send you ideas that specifically go towards helping you achieve what you want. We are all different, our reasons for doing AVON, our hopes and dreams, are not one size fits all. Your "why" will be your driving force, and will carry you through the hurdles that life, and business, throw at you.

Then, we can figure out the activities that best suit you, and your idea of how you want to run your business, and get you started on doing some of them.


Obviously, my first suggestion will be to have you do the New Representative Training in the AVON University, as these give you a good basic grounding in several aspects of your new business. They are approximately 15-20 minutes long, interactive webinars, and cover topics such as how to place an order, building your customer list and managing your money, to name just a few. I always suggest these as I want you to know the basics of how to run your business. As you work through them, you can always text or call me, or message me on FB, if you don't understand something, or have questions about what you've seen/heard.

If you are SERIOUS about wanting a successful business, then my advice is not to sell yourself short by skipping these webinars. We have found that the new representatives who do them have a better understanding of how their business works and what they need to do to excel in it.


Step 2 is basically prepping again. Yes, as you unpacked your kit, you gave some brochures to family members, or a couple of friends ... but that's just the beginning. They will not sustain a business. So, you'll need CUSTOMERS! The question going around in your head will be ..."where am I going to find people who want to buy from me?"

I suggest new representatives start by making a list, simply of all the people they come into contact with in a 2 week period. Why 2 weeks? Because that's the usual length of time that an AVON campaign runs. It changes a little between Thanksgiving and the end of the year, but - the rest of the time - a representative's ordering day is the same day, every 2 weeks.

As you make your list, take time to draw a tiny heart next to those people you know love AVON, a $$ sign next to those you know who need extra money, and a W next to those who work an outside job.These symbols may not mean much, as you read this, but they can really help you grow your business!


Step 3 is all about that list! How to use it to help you build your customer base, your sales and your team.


Because more customers mean more sales, and more sales mean MORE MONEY! Why grow your team? Because as you do, you get rewarded with bonuses ... bonuses = MORE MONEY! What do you want money for? Whether it's paying off credit cards, making a car payment, paying the utilities, buying groceries or something "more" like saving for a vacation, a wedding or prom expenses for a teenager, the world revolves around money, everything costs it, so we all need to make it. 

AVON just makes the making it more fun, and easier to work around your family and commitments.

So, the list.

Most people put family members first. Unfortunately, it is a sad fact of most direct sales businesses that - many times - family are the least supportive in a new venture. Do not be disheartened if that's how it is with yours, they are just reacting normally. You can still ask for their help and support, some may buy from you, or take brochures into a workplace to drop off for you. That's awesome, if they will!

Next will be your friends, and generally these are a little more believing of your new business than family. They'll want you to do well, because they are your friends, it's their job to make you feel good about yourself.

Thus, looking at the friends on your list. We'll look first at the ones with the hearts. They are your friends that you know already love AVON. Make sure you let them know you are now selling it!

What do they like about AVON? Is it the make up? Do they love getting together to paint their nails? Maybe they like the jewelry designs that AVON has, that suit all tastes, classic, bold, precious stones, gold and sterling silver? Or is it the fashions, footwear and accessories like purses and totes?

Put that next to their heart. As you get into your business, you'll want to learn who likes what products ... then when you see special deals on those items, you can point them out to that particular person!

THAT is what will set you apart from other representatives - customer service. To your customers, you ARE AVON. You want to give them the best experience, you want them happy and satisfied. You want them to be loyal to you because THEY KNOW you are loyal to them. You'll find them the special deals, you'll look out for them and take care of their needs.

What's next? The names with the $$ sign next to them, those people that you know who need extra money. 

Maybe they might want to join you, as a team member? 

What do you already know of their needs? Maybe they need an extra $200 a month, enough to make their car payment and pay the insurance premium on it. With 2 campaigns in a month, that's $100 they need in each one. With the ability to earn 40% commission on orders in their first 4 campaigns, they'd only need $250 in sales of our core products to do that! With an average customer spending around $20, that would mean having about 10-12 customers in each of those campaigns (and many customers spend a lot more than $20).

The fun side of it is, that then you have a partner to hang out with and do "AVON" things with!  And, when they submit and pay for their first $150 order, on time, you get a  $50 BONUS! What's not to like about that, right?

This is what we AVON ladies (and now AVON guys too) LOVE! We have fun making our money!

The final part of scrutinizing your first list is to look at the people that you put the Ws next to ... the people who work an outside job. 

Where do they work? Would they be willing to take brochures in and leave in the break room for you? 

Or maybe collect orders and money from their co-workers and give to you, and then take those people's orders back to them, once you received them? This latter group of people, are what we call "helpers".

When you have helpers, it helps you achieve greater sales (and thus higher commission rates) and we usually reward them. Some people give  % of the order total, say 10% or 15%, in free AVON. Others will give their helper a discount on their own order, maybe 25%, or more. It is up to each representative to decide their own rewards for their helpers, but there are resources to help, and various representatives have made up charts of sliding rewards, to assist newer reps to decide which will work best for them.

#AVONtraining #AVONbusinessbuilding #AVONRep

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