Sunday, July 8, 2018

New Representative Training - AVON's Social Selling Courses

AVON's Social Media Center is a one-stop treasure chest of content to help you advertise your business online, with images and other content that links directly to your site with just a click of your cursor, your choice as to whether to your e-store or your team joining page.

Now AVON had added yet another aspect to their Social Media Center - a section marked "Training" which comprises courses in Social Selling.

So far they have:
The Beginners Guide To Facebook
Using Facebook To Ignite Your Business

Each course is a complete set of individual lessons that take you step-by-step, teaching you everything you need to know. They consist of article, tips and how-to videos.

Coming soon will be :

Pinterest 101
Twitter 101
Socially Selling

These courses are an essential tool for those of us who don't want to "leave money on the table" as  they say, and provide an essential learning experience for those who are not as technology savvy as they would like to be.

Check them out. Click on AVON Social on and then click on Training.