Thursday, June 15, 2017

AVON New Representative Training 2

New Representative Training 2

From the beginning, the key to growing your business is to add more customers, and to help more people to achieve their own successes by joining your team. So, you made your first list, you've worked through it, sold some product, talked to a few people about joining you ... now what???

With me, it became a second list. Honestly, when I began, back in 2006, this second list was what really grew my business. It just seemed so easy to do. It isn't easy for me any more, now that walking is difficult, but for everyone who can ... this is an easy way to gain sales.

So, make a second list.  This time of fast food and other restaurants that you frequent. Back then, I didn't. I started going through drive-thrus to build my business! I'd buy just a drink or, in Summer, an ice cream cone. I'd have a labelled brochure in a literature bag with samples in, which I would hand to the cashier (and another, the same, to the person who gave me my food) and would let them know that they'd get a 10% discount off a first order, and I could deliver the day after payday, at their convenience. 

It usually turned out to be in a slow afternoon period. I'd walk in with my bags to be delivered and sit at a table or booth near the door. I'd array the bags on the table, catch the eyes of my customers who were working, and sit and wait. As they took a break, they'd come and grab their order from me.

It was their reactions to their purchases that helped me more though, squeals of delight and opening packages and boxes, the others would sneak out to have a look at what their co-worker had bought that they were so excited about.

In the 30-45 minutes that I sat in each fast food restaurant, not only did I deliver the orders that I had come to do, but I collected orders from people who liked what they saw a co-worker had, and wanted some of their own!

And despite it being during a slow afternoon period, there were usually some restaurant customers in there still, and many of those would ask if they could get a brochure from me too! I often walked out with $100 or more in orders, from one delivery spot.

In Mauldin, alone, I had Taco Bell, Burger King and Wendy's in a triangle with each other, across the road on Main Street. Then Long John Silver's farther down. Those employees helped me build my business.

So, make a second list, and work it how it will be best for you. With AVON requiring pre-payment more often now, you may want to set up Paypal, or get a Square card, so that when people call you with orders, you have a way that they can pay you immediately.

Have fun!  Happy AVONing!


Caroline, my team member and tech-whizz-extraordinaire, created the following 2 videos to help team members with the ordering process ... firstly, writing up customer orders with the order pad, and then (the second one) placing those orders online and submitting them to AVON on your correct order placement day.

So, here's the one on using the order pad to write up customer orders:

And here's the one on putting the orders online, and submitting to AVON:

Caroline is really good at making these videos and explains everything in a very easy-to-understand way.


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