Monday, October 15, 2018

Earn A Vacation in Los Cabos, and/or Earn an I-PAd (new reps from 11th July on)

OK so the key to accomplishing either or both of these incentives will be planning.

For starters, make sure you have the AVON 2.0 platform as this will be key in helping you to do some of the tasks that I am going to suggest to you.

Please also, do the Social Media training under the Social Media Center tab, as being comfortable with that area is going to be very important, we will be utilizing this a lot over the next few campaigns.

Second important feature - make sure you set up a business page and a business group, for your AVON, if you have not already done so. Then link these to the Social Media Center.

Link any other Social Media platforms to it as well - Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr etc.

This is all prep for the big game - the one that ends with you a winner!

So, what's the plan?

Take each Campaign as a separate entity. So begin with Campaign 23. Go into the Social Media Center and begin by planning your posts on there. You will go to the Content Planner square. You can use AVON's "plan your week" but I am suggesting also that you use the Power of 5  and to schedule it like so:

7am    a product post out of the Campaigns section. If there is a product link, copy some of the pertinent information and use in your post. Click to add your website link and choose your e-rep store one.

10am  a recruiting post from the Recruiting, Recognition and Communications section. Just add a bit of blurb, it doesn't have to be anything long and drawn out. A simple "Oh I love my AVON, who wants to join me?" will do, or something about your AVON day. And, of course, add your recruiting link.

2pm  an inspirational post out of the Inspiration sub section of the Recruiting, Recognition and Communications and just put a short blurb with it, something simple "so true", "yes", "I agree!"

This one breaks up the "advertising" posts but keeps the folks who are watching your page or in your group, still seeing something from you!

6pm   a second product post out of the Campaigns section, done as before including your e-store link.

9pm   a recruiting post from Recruiting, Recognition and Communications, again done as before

I schedule mine for the full campaign, and (my choice) Sundays I just post one inspirational post or just a "hello, have a good day" with a nice pic. I just like to give folks a break.

Now, when you have an active sweepstakes running, you can post a sweepstakes post instead of a product post, and encourage people to enter to try to win.

So that takes care of your posts, your 5 a day. 

Now, the second part of this is responding to ANY likes or comments on any of these posts. A simple "thank you" and tag the name of the liker, or if someone comments, respond to what they have said and attempt to start a conversation with them, on the post.

This building a rapport will help people to want to buy from, or join under, you when they consider AVON and that's what you are trying to do. You want people to think of you and AVON in the same breath, and to think of you any time they see any AVON ads in magazines, on tv, or on any social media.

We are in a relationships business, so those conversations we have on our social media play into that.

With our face-to-face customers, let them know that you are trying to earn one or both of these incentives and ask for their help. Ask for referrals, ask (if you know they work somewhere) if they would take a brochure into work with them and share with their colleagues or leave in a break room. Ask if you can give them an extra book to pass on to a friend.

Also, remember to make sure every brochure that you hand out has your name/phone#/email and website on! Every brochure.

This is just the beginning, and we can all do this!

Happy AVON-ing and good luck!

#AVONTraining #AVON #LosCabos #BuildingYourBusiness 

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